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Англійська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача Icecoffee01

The graph above monitors the various changes in the US GDP growth rate. In the first two quarters of 2006 the growth rate stood at 3 percent. At the beginning of the third quarter the GDP grew at an ever slower rate until it hit bottom by the beginning of 2007. The following months were characteri­zed by fluctuatio­ns. Stagnating at the beginning of the third quarter in 2008 growth turned into contractio­n and the GDP shrank until the end of the year.
These various changes can be ascribed to number of causes. Due to full order books, economic growth stood at a moderate level until the US dollar revalued dramatical­ly resulting from the high demand for the domestic currency caused by the China. This led to a slower growth of the US GDP as foreign companies’ orders decreased. Measures taken by the US government, such as promoting exports increased the GDP growth only temporaril­y. With the beginning of the sub-prime mortgage crisis, the US economy fell in a serious recession. Forecasts do not predict any recovery for the coming months.
Мова: Англійська   Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід

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