CorrectMyText    Користувач

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Англійська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача Max1991

Hello, I write you up a little story and then you correct my text and in advance thanks you a lot.
My name is Max I have been learning English for about 5 mouths, so I can understand­ing some words and sentences into the Native English speech in Youtube channel and maybe a little more understand­ing videos with subtitles but I think that subtitles force me to concentrat­ion my attention on them and I my listening skills work so badly. This is my first time when I used this website and I'll hope it helps me to improve my English: ))
Мова: Англійська   Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід, Розширений, Верхній-Проміжний, Проміжний, Елементарне
Max1991:  Thanks a milllion

Zxco:  My name is Max I have been learning English for about 5 months, so I can understand some words and sentences when native English speakers talk on Youtube and maybe a little more on videos with subtitles but I think that subtitles force me to center my attention on them and my listening skills won't improve. This is my first time when using this website and I hope it helps me to improve my English: ))

** This is my first time using the website as well and I'm not sure if this is how you correct a text. Hope this helped :)

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