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Англійська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача evggrebnev

Hello Svetlana and Eugeny,
now I was successful to send you some picture from Egypt and from the children of our son and his wife. We did babysittin­g over three days and it was very hard because you have to be present at any time and you have to work harder as playing golf or tennis. But it´s OK. Weather here is always changing. Hot and cold......! At the moment we are at the baltic sea in Scharbeutz/Timmendorf which is near Lübeck if you should look to the map. Tomorrow we drive back to Hittfeld near Hamburg to meet some friends.
Have nice days!
Gaby and Heinz
Мова: Англійська   Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід

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