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Англійська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача drxox

Nowadays, developing economy is happening intensely in all the countries around the world, especially in the East.
During operation, plants produce more CO2 emissions. There are also more dust in the air due to transporta­tion industry. Too much toxic waste is being dumped at sea. There are more and more electronic garbage with low decay rate such as smartphone, computer, DVD, etc. Many people easily earn a lot of money. They can get all needed food with ease and often don't often eat up. You can hear scream and crying sound of animals with your ears in TV everyday.
If all reasons caused environmen­tal pollutions is not resolved, a dull future is bound to wait for all of us. Protecting environmen­t is apperant duty for all people in the world. Each person should do any thing, even a small action, to contribute to protecting our Earth!
Мова: Англійська   Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід

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