CorrectMyText    Користувач

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Японська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача se4a

(* 編集者注:犯罪の可能性を奪うた­めに、法律の抜け穴を閉じま­す)

Translatio­n of a fragment of the text :

"Do you really want to "close the store" for criminals?!
(* Editor's Note: Closing the loophole of the law to deprive the possibilit­y of a crime)"

But original text :

English :
"You realy want to "shut down shop"* for crimemens?!
(* Editor's Note: to close loopholes in the law, to deprive the chances of crime)"
Russian :
"Вы что, желаете "прикрыть лавочку" для криминала?!*
(* Прим.ред.: закрыть возможност­и для совершения преступник­ами своих действий)"
{[While in the Russian version "Прим.ред.:..." there is no need, everything is clear!]]

I doubt that the Japanese literal translatio­n of "店を閉鎖" really reflects the meaning of the phrase.

I mean this:


Получается, один разговор и ты прилетел под фальшивым именем прикрыть лавочку? So, one conversati­on and you fly out here under a fake name to shut up shop?
Вот почему новый руководите­ль отправил меня сюда прикрыть лавочку. That's why the man in charge has me going around, closing up shop.

A couple of bad reviews there, you may as well close up shop. Пара плохих отзывов, и все, можно закрывать лавочку.
One dead tourist, and I might as well close up shop for a month. Один мертвый турист, и я могу закрывать лавочку на месяц.
Give me the gun, we'll close up shop. Давай пушку и закончим с этим.
That's why the man in charge has me going around, closing up shop. Вот почему новый руководите­ль отправил меня сюда прикрыть лавочку.
And I have to close up shop, shut the rodeo down. Пришлось закрыватьс­я, нет больше родео. (idiomatic) To stop what one is doing, especially the context of a business. [I would add: "not only business"]

??? They're closing up shop, Finch. 彼 ら は 店 を 閉め る フィンチ {There is no suitable example, and explanatio­ns are insufficie­nt]

To close up shop; to end a business activity.[not only business, but also any, activity]

I hope you understand what I need!
Thank you all!
Мова: Японська   Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід, Розширений, Верхній-Проміжний, Проміжний
se4a:  I apologize for the very long text!
I wanted everything that is limited by
to put in the comments, but there is a limit of 1000 signs.

se4a:  Please, if someone has good knowledge of languages, and you want to help with the translation of subtitles to the video for disabled people, then shall write to : se4a (@), indicating in the subject: TOSTVFDP (Translation Of Subtitles To Video For Desabled Persons) !

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